10 Wonderful Facts On Whale 1. Male humpback whales found in U.S. waters sing complex songs in winter breeding areas in waters near Hawaii, in the Caribbean, and elsewhere that can last up to 20 minutes and be heard miles away. 2. The blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived and can grow to 90 or more feet and weigh as much as 24 elephants! That’s more than 330,000 pounds (150,000 kg). 3. Some species of whales are among the longest lived mammals. Scientists estimate bowhead whales (a baleen whale found in the Arctic) can live for more than 200 years, and killer whales (a toothed whale found in various habitats worldwide) can live for more than 100 years. 4. Killer whales are highly social and often travel in groups that are matrifocal—a family unit focused or centered on the mother . Learn more about the Southern Resident killer whale, a NOAA Fisheries Species in the Spotlight. ...