bush viper is venomous snake native to African Rainforest . These snakes live in Congo, Uganda and Kenya. There are three subspecies of bush viper that differ in color, size and type of habitat where they can be found. bush vipers prefer rainforests that offer plenty of flowering bushes. These snakes are rarely seen in the wild because they inhabit regions that are distant from the human settlements. For the same reason, exact number of remaining bush vipers in the wild is unknown.
bush vipers are small snakes that can reach 18 to 24 inches in length. Females are larger than males.
bush vipers are usually green, olive green, bluish or brownish in color. They have yellow or pale olive belly. Body ends with ivory-white tail. Brightly colored bush vipers i.e yellow, red or grey are rarely seen in the wild.
bush vipers have broad head with large eyes, large mouth and slit-like nostrils that are positioned laterally.
Body of bush vipers is covered with scales that are heavily keeled on a dorsal side of the body. That's why these snakes are also known as rough-scaled bush viper and hairy viper.
bush viper is excellent climber. It easily reaches upper part of the flowering bushy plants, where it spends most of its day, basking in the sun.
Tail of bush vipers is prehensile. Snakes use their tails to hold the branches when they move through the vegetation or to hang from the branches when they hunt the prey.
bush viper iis active during the night.
bush viper is a meat-eater. It usually eats birds, lizards and frogs.
Before the attack, bush snake curls its body in the shape of a letter S.
bush viper produces strong venom which induces severe bleeding of internal organs. Amount and strength of the venom depend on the age of snake, geographic region, altitude and even weather.
Snakebite may be fatal for humans because antidote for this venom doesn't exist. Luckily, people rarely visit isolated and remote habitats of Central Africa where bush viper can be found.
Mating season of bush vipers takes place in October. Female gives birth to 9 to 12 babies usually from March to April. bush vipers are 6 inches long at birth and have dark green bodies covered in wavy stripes. Young snakes attain adult coloration at the age of 3 to 4 months.
bush vipers reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 to 3 years.
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The golden snub-nosed monkey , also known as the snub-nosed leaf monkey, the orange monkey and the Sichuan golden-haired monkey, is a small monkey that can only be found in the mountains of central and southwest China, including the mountains of Tibet. It ranges from 20 to 26 inches long and can live for over 20 years. Why do snub-nosed monkeys have such short noses? You might wonder. Well, it’s because they live in cold forests high up in the mountains. In such a cold place, a long nose would be difficult to keep warm. It might even get frost-bitten. Another adaptation snub-nosed monkeys have to the cold is their thick, long fur. Female golden snub-nosed monkeys give birth to just one infant each year, particularly from March to June. The infant is born gray, not golden and become golden in adulthood. In the wild, golden snub-nosed monkeys spend most of their time up in the trees where they sleep, feed and socialize. What do golden snub-nosed m...
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